Lunchtime Workshops at The Blade: Creative Writing
The lunchtime event aimed to spark our participants imagination with a series of short, sharp exercises to provoke their writing and hone their skills. Geroge encouraged those taking part to Write More, Write Better and Write Now. Creative writing is a great way to connect and share new ideas, unwind and explore thoughts and improve reasoning and understanding through the written word. Our writers enjoyed the opportunity to dip into their imaginations and develop their expertise.
George also edits TYPE!, a free magazine which champions new fiction. The bookmark sized journal shares short stories and poems, writing prompts to inspire and a literary quiz to challenge. The Blade is sponsoring TYPE! to help cover some of the production costs which the magazine faces, so it can continue in a print format, and enable writers to showcase their work to the Reading community and beyond.
We love being able to offer our occupiers different experiences as part of our lunchtime workshop series – and the chance to break away from their desks to explore something a little bit out of the ordinary!