A lunchtime cycle - fitness and fresh air with free bike hire

Thames Path – perfect for a lunchtime riverside ride, a short hop through Forbury Gardens offers the opportunity to pick up the Thames Path for a cycle along the River Thames frontage, either east towards the Lido and King’s Meadow or west towards Caversham Bridge.
Kennet & Avon Canal -a route south of Forbury Gardens, along Minster Street and Bridge Street will allow you to pick up the River Kennet, along the towpath west of Reading. Cyclists wanting a longer route can pick up a four mile stretch – which can be achieved in 20 minutes or so – and means a pit stop at The Cunning Man country pub for a quick lunch is also possible!
Christchurch Meadows: north of the River Thames is Christchurch Meadows offering a riverside path along the River Thames, between Caversham and Reading bridges. Great for casual cycling in a lovely green space!
Local Reading routes - Reading Borough Council has developed 13 specific cycle routes with detailed descriptions and downloadable maps. The routes cover various parts of Reading and offer a great option for anyone living in Reading and wanting to cycle to work. The network has good signage and includes specially designated cycle paths. Many of the routes also include extra measures for the benefit of cyclists including toucan crossings (allowing cyclists to stay on their bikes and cross over at the same time as pedestrians) and contra-flow cycle lanes letting cyclists to travel against the direction of traffic safely.
Bike hire at The Blade
Our 4 bikes are available for all occupiers and can be used free of charge for up to two hours to enjoy time away from the office. Just contact Reception for details. Bike storage is also available for occupiers bringing their own bikes to work. So there’s no excuse not to get peddling!