Meet the Team - Mairi
What does your role entail?
I work for Northwood Investors who manage a number of commercial property sites across the UK. At The Blade, my role is split into two parts. Firstly I handle all aspects of The Blade’s communications and marketing by organising events and charity donations, co-ordinating marketing campaigns, and sharing some of what’s happening here with the wider world through the press and social media. I also assist our Property Manager liaising with occupiers, problem solving, conducting viewings of available space and keeping Health & Safety compliant and current (contrary to popular opinion, it's a really interesting task!)
How long have you been at The Blade?
I’ve been based here for just under two years. I didn’t know Reading at all before moving here to take up my role so I’ve learnt about Reading as well as The Blade.
What is the strangest request you’ve managed?
We work with RABBLE Theatre, sponsoring various projects. At the moment, they’re using our vacant 12th floor as a rehearsal space for their upcoming production of Henry I which will take place in the Abbey Ruins. Writing the risk assessment for a group who do sword fighting was quite odd. Receiving enquiries about the possibility of delivering very heavy chainmail to our reception was also a little out there!
Most challenging request?
We had some nesting Peregrines on the roof of The Blade last year. Re-framing a pigeon carcass as a Valentine’s Day social media post was fairly challenging.
What makes The Blade such a special place to work?
It’s becoming a cliché because everybody says the same - but it’s the people. I’ve never worked in such a kind, friendly, helpful corporate environment. I like how every body on the team cares as much about which loo roll is in the bathrooms as they do about the colour of the cladding. There’s no job too small or insignificant which is a recipe for great job satisfaction. It also doesn’t hurt to have such a swanky looking building and reception space. Any time a friend meets me after work they’re always impressed!
Your special talent?
I can do the hula hoop while balancing a pint on my head. Enough said!
Hobbies and interests?
I love to dance and have done so since I was 3 years old. I’ve mainly danced ballet but for the past 8 years, I’ve been a competitive Ballroom and Latin dancer. My favourite dance is the rhumba - I love the drama of it and it definitely has the best outfits. Jive and foxtrot are close seconds though. If I’m not dancing, then I’d like to be travelling, preferably in a backpack with a tent and a pack of cards. Before living in Reading I was living and working in China and loved learning about a completely different culture. Next on the list is Panama, there are some mountains there that I intend to climb. I also have a slightly unhealthy addiction to peppermint tea – not sure if that counts as a hobby but felt like it needed to be mentioned.
Claim to fame?
I’ve done a tequila shot with Will I Am. I mistook him for a part of the group I was with on a night out in Cardiff when I ordered a round of drinks. I bossily handed him the shot before registering who he was. Bemused, he politely drank it and we had a laugh before retuning to our respective groups of friends. Definitely proof that Cardiff is the best night out in the UK, although perhaps I’m slightly biased given I’m an alumni of Cardiff Uni.